POR FESR 2014-2020 ‘Call for support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, products and services’ – DGR N. 1139/2017, Axis 1, Action 1.1.4
The project ‘Smart Integration of Appliances for high quality and sustainable Food processing’ SIAF aims to design and build a prototype software and hardware infrastructure for the integration of technologies for cooking and food preservation that brings the benefits of Factory 4.0 within the professional kitchen and laboratory (gastronomy, pastry, etc.).
The project develops for the first time in the market a new concept of ‘Kitchen 4.0’ that integrates, in perspective, all the main connectable devices belonging to the food service equipment segment. The project focuses in particular on the following devices: oven, vacuum cooking machine, blast chiller.
Project value: € 3.202.776,56
Grant awarded: € 1.864.361,79
Total grant awarded: € 1.740.923,27

Poster A3
Poster convegno 25/03/2019
Storie di innovazione
Pagina RIAV